Sunday, December 2, 2012
Posting On Tuesday
Hey everyone! So this week instead of posting today (Sunday) like I normally do, I'm going to post on Tuesday this week. Some of you may know that One Direction has their Madison Square Garden performance tomorrow! This is so amazing considering they have only been a band for 2 years now. I figured there will be more to post about their performance on Tuesday rather than today before their performance. Have a great Sunday!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
True Rumors

After I read the full story on twitter (because some it uses inappropriate language) I just have to say that I am disappointed that Zayn would say something like this. He needs to realize that everyone in the world can see what hes doing and they are watching him. It's not very good for One Direction's reputation. People want boy bands to be nice and friendly to everyone. Although he comes across as the "bad boy" of the group doesn't mean he should say stuff like this, especially with such a young fan base.
On a more positive note One Direction performed on the Today Show in New York a week ago and they gave a live performance outside of the building. I thought they did a great job live, especially with their performance "Little Things." It just proves that they do all in fact have good voices. Check out the video below.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you live in the U.S I hope that you have a great holiday weekend! I am so thankful that I am able to have One Direction in my life and they are thankful to have fans like us! Check out this video! New post coming this Sunday.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
"Kiss Me" Next One Direction Single

1D was on the Ellen show this past week and a few select girls from the audience got to play a game with them! It's really funny! Check it out.
Saw this and thought it was too funny. The boys pull a prank on some girls while they pretend to be wax figures in a wax museum in London.
Thought this was a funny picture. You would only get this if your a spongebob fan.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Take Me Home Album Review

1. Live While Were Young- This upbeat song is just very catchy and makes you want to roll the car windows down and enjoy life. The songs message is saying to enjoy being young and having fun meeting new people.
2. Kiss You- This dancy song is the first song off this new album (besides Live While Were Young) that I now know all the words too. Because I couldn't stop listening to it. The song is about a guy who wants to take you out and show his girl to the world. He will give her anything she wants as long as he gets a kiss in return. Very cute song. ;D
3. Little Things- When I first herd this slow song I was almost to the point of crying because I felt as though they were singing to me. The song goes as even though a girl doesn't like her body or her little flaws they (1D) say that, having those things makes you who you are and that is why they love you. I think that any girl can relate to this song. Its just a feel good song and a good song to listen to when feeling down.
4. C'mon, C'mon- The story goes that he showed up at a dance with someone who left him. He realizes that she wasn't good anyways when he sees another girl standing across the dance floor. He wants her to move closer so they can dance and realize that they are right for each other. Very cute (especially for at a dance!)
5. Last First Kiss- This song is a slower song with a good beat. It's about a guy and girl who are friends but the guy has strong feelings for her and wants to be with her for the rest of his life,(being her last first kiss) but he is debating if he should say anything because he doesn't want to loose her.
6.Heart Attack- One of my favorites on the album. It's upbeat rhythm and the boys saying "OW!" makes me smile every time. The story is about getting over a break up and knowing that your better off without the other person but it's hard seeing them with someone else, so giving you a "heart attack."
7. Rock Me- Another one of my favorites on the album. The drums start as the song "We will rock you" by Queen. Its a little on the edgy side but still its a good fist pumping song. It's about wanting to go back to summer of 2009 and re-living the past because it was the best time when he had a relationship. And now he regrets not being the same.
8. Change My Mind- A slower song, almost like slow dancing music. The story is about having a friend but feeling different about them, but then again he isn't sure how she feels. So he says if you want to be together we can be otherwise he will "change his mind"
9. I Would- Very cute song. The story is about a guy dreaming about being with a girl who already has a boyfriend. He gets depressed because he comes back to reality, but he keeps asking the question Would he...? but I would. It's towards the top of my list for one of my favorites.
10. Over Again- This slow song is mostly sung with all of them together). It's basically saying that he messed up and can see that your hurting but he wants to give her all his heart so they can start all over again.
11. Back For You- I find this song to relate to the One Direction boyds themselves because they are on tour they had to leave a lot behind. The story is saying that even though he is gone he thinks about her all the time and not to worry because he will be coming back for you.
12. They Don't Know About Us- This is another cute song, and it's about being young and in love. Most people may think that it's not real,but it is to them, so they keep their relationship a secret.
13. Summer Love- This is very much country sounding, but when I first herd this song I felt like crying because it's a sad song. About a summer fling and leaving each other behind and knowing that they won't see each other again.
14. She's Not Afraid- The song lyrics made me laugh, it's about a girl who isn't afraid of all these rebellious things, but yet she's afraid of falling in love. But when the boy says hes done, she wants him more. I just made me smile because it is very true!
15.Loved You First- The story goes that he is getting a little jealous since he sees a girl with another guy when he loved her first. And it hurts him because that could of been him. I would love it if One Direction was jeleous over me! :) lol
16. Nobody Compares- The lyrics explain a boy who doesn't understand why she is breaking up with him. He keeps wanting to work through it so that she can be his. Then he gets a little upset because he knows she won't be his anymore and nobody compares to her.
17. Still the One- And to wrap up the album is this upbeat song, which I think is a good choice to end the album. The song explains that the boy broke up with a girl and now he realizes that he was stupid for letting her go and he wants to try and fix it.

Monday, November 12, 2012
Ive been neglecting my blog.
Hey so sorry not updating for quite awhile. Still trying to adjust to new changes in my life, but One Direction is still a part of it. A lot has changed with them too. If you don't know this already they are coming out with a new album "Take Me Home" on November 13th. Featuring "Live while were young" their most recent single. They have won quite a few awards and lets not forget new haircuts for all the boys (maybe not harry) and something they are doing with their fans called "Bring Me to 1D". Some lucky fans will get a golden ticket to go and see 1D in New York City at their MSG performance and spend a whole day with them. To find out more click here. If you haven't seen it already here is their new music video "Live While Your Young" and their preview of "Little Things" which will be appearing on the album as well. Hope you all enjoy and more updates and news will be coming soon.
Fan question: Do you like One Directions new look?(Hairstyles, songs,etc....) Leave a comment below!
" Live while were young"
Fan question: Do you like One Directions new look?(Hairstyles, songs,etc....) Leave a comment below!
" Live while were young"
"Little things"
Friday, June 22, 2012
3D Movie set for 2013
June 17th- June 24th
Surprisingly you guys voted Niall as your #1 with 31%. Harry in a close second at 28%, Zayn in third with 20%, Louis in forth with 14% and Liam in a surprising last with 5%. No worries I still love each and every one of them. Look for a new poll coming this week. Keep your votes coming!
3D Movie coming in 2013
Just like Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber and now more recently Katy Perry, One Direction is set to start filming their own 3D movie that is supposed to come out some time next winter. They will start filming sometime this winter. It's said to make over 10 Million dollars, and hopefully do as well as Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" film which made of 60 Million dollars.
Taking Time off from performing
They also took a trip to Six Flags, Magic Mountain in California. They decided to ride some coasters like "X2" and "Tatsu." Niall sure seemed to enjoy himself by tweeting...
" Went to Six Flags today with the lads, and had a great laugh! Some scary rollercoaster there! But it was fun!"
Animated video is a big hit!
A fan made video called " The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction" has managed to gain over 300,000 views on YouTube. The story goes that pussycats are lost and that One Direction needs to work together to find all of them and get them back.It includes little funny jokes about each of them and its just really funny! Niall even claims that they all have seen the video and thought it was funny as well.
The clip was made by animator Mark Petersons who is a lead producer on FX show Archer. If you haven't seen the video I recommend you check it out or watch the video below.
Upcoming shows...
Saturday June 23rd- Dallas, Texas
Sunday June 24th- Huston, Texas
Tuesday June 26th- Atlanta, Georgia
Wednesday June 27th- Charlotte, North Carolina
Friday June 29th - Tampa, Florida
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sorry for not posting this week. Been busy with the beggining of summer! I will post this Sunday. For now here is a cute interview with Niall.....
Sunday, June 3, 2012
One Direction Hits the Midwest!
Now I want to start something a little different. Every week I'm going to ask a question of the week. Leave a comment below telling me what you think. Lets get some fan interaction going!!
May 27th- June 3rd
Question: How would you react if you got to meet One Direction?
My Answer: I don't know what I would do exactly. I would probably be in shock that I actually got the chance to meet them then either cry or just turn really red.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
June 5th: Mexico City, Mexico
June 6th: Mexico City, Mexico
June 8th: San Diego, California
June 9th: Las Vegas, Nevada
June 10th: Phoenix, Arizona
Presidents Daughter at Virginia Show!
( for Mr. Berish)
On May 24th the boys put on a show at the Patriot Center in Fairfax,Virginia and guess who was there? The presidents daughter! Malia Obama attended that show and she was surrounded by secret service agents. In the picture to the left you can see she is circled, along with a agent behind her and two women agents to her left trying to "blend in" with the teen crowd. It's actually pretty funny because the male agent behind her appears to be scowling and not enjoying the concert. But what does he know? He wouldn't understand the One Direction Infection. It mostly effects girls anyways. :)
One Direction DVD watch Party
On May 29th the One Direction " Up All Night" Tour DVD came out in stores and I of course picked mine up. I watched it and it was really good! I'm not just saying that! They had a really cute story throughout the the show and it was just really entertaining. I even found myself singing along to the lyrics. So if you haven't gotten a copy of the DVD head to Walmart and get your copy. Thursday May 31st the guys decided to host a watch party over twitter. So at the exact time that was set fans all over the country would watch the DVD along with the boys. They would tweet and take pictures of themselves watching the DVD to fans! It was truly fun and different than anything I've seen celeberties do on twitter!
Harry popular at Chicago show!
Saturday June 2nd was One Direction's show in Chicago. The show went really well except for their end performance of "What Makes You Beautiful". Half way during the song, Liam and Zayn thought it would be funny to rip open Harry's button down shirt in front of the fans. Of course the fans screamed and thought it was great while Harry tried to keep his shirt closed and finish the song. Check the video out for yourself...
Louis buys his own property
Instead of using his money to buy fast cars, 20 year old Louis Tomlinson bought his first 2.5 million dollar property in north London. His property has five bathrooms, four reception rooms, a swimming pool and spa area, garden and a game room.
"Louis's purchase may seem extravagant but it's a safe investment. The property is relatively new and given its location it is unlikely to lose value."
If the boys now think that his mansion will be the new place to throw crazy parties, they would be wrong.
One Direction have some fun playing their own game MEGAMIND!
May 27th- June 3rd
Question: How would you react if you got to meet One Direction?
My Answer: I don't know what I would do exactly. I would probably be in shock that I actually got the chance to meet them then either cry or just turn really red.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
June 5th: Mexico City, Mexico
June 6th: Mexico City, Mexico
June 8th: San Diego, California
June 9th: Las Vegas, Nevada
June 10th: Phoenix, Arizona
Presidents Daughter at Virginia Show!
On May 24th the boys put on a show at the Patriot Center in Fairfax,Virginia and guess who was there? The presidents daughter! Malia Obama attended that show and she was surrounded by secret service agents. In the picture to the left you can see she is circled, along with a agent behind her and two women agents to her left trying to "blend in" with the teen crowd. It's actually pretty funny because the male agent behind her appears to be scowling and not enjoying the concert. But what does he know? He wouldn't understand the One Direction Infection. It mostly effects girls anyways. :)
One Direction DVD watch Party
On May 29th the One Direction " Up All Night" Tour DVD came out in stores and I of course picked mine up. I watched it and it was really good! I'm not just saying that! They had a really cute story throughout the the show and it was just really entertaining. I even found myself singing along to the lyrics. So if you haven't gotten a copy of the DVD head to Walmart and get your copy. Thursday May 31st the guys decided to host a watch party over twitter. So at the exact time that was set fans all over the country would watch the DVD along with the boys. They would tweet and take pictures of themselves watching the DVD to fans! It was truly fun and different than anything I've seen celeberties do on twitter!
Harry popular at Chicago show!
Saturday June 2nd was One Direction's show in Chicago. The show went really well except for their end performance of "What Makes You Beautiful". Half way during the song, Liam and Zayn thought it would be funny to rip open Harry's button down shirt in front of the fans. Of course the fans screamed and thought it was great while Harry tried to keep his shirt closed and finish the song. Check the video out for yourself...
Louis buys his own property
"Louis's purchase may seem extravagant but it's a safe investment. The property is relatively new and given its location it is unlikely to lose value."
If the boys now think that his mansion will be the new place to throw crazy parties, they would be wrong.
"Louis isn't the sort who'll throw a house party and let his friends wreck the place."
One Direction have some fun playing their own game MEGAMIND!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
One Direction Start 2012 U.S Tour!
Last Thursday 1D kicked off their American tour starting with performing at Farfax, Virgina on Thursday, East Rutherford, New Jersey on Friday, New York City New York on Saturday and Sunday with Camden, New Jersey. Starting this Friday they will be stopping in the Midwest to perform.
Here are their upcoming shows..
June 1st- Detroit, Michigan
June 2nd- Chicago, Illinois
"Up All Night" Tour DVD and "Dare to dream" book out in stores now!
As of May 29th, their tour DVD is available to buy online and in stores such as Walmart. Their DVD includes exclusive performances and a lot of behind the scene action! I know I'm going to the store today to pick up my copy! Can't wait to watch it. It should be funny! As for their book that has been availble as of May 22nd which you can also find online or in stores.It goes through their journey of how they became who they are today!
Niall and Liam Attacked by fans in NY
On May 27th, when the boys were set to perform Niall and Liam left their hotel to find 60 screaming girls in a mob rushing towards them. Their hair got pulled, shirts got ripped, Liam got knocked down and Niall got hit in the face multiple times.
" It was crazy.As they left the hotel on 54th this sea of girls engulfed them. The security was desperately trying to keep them safe but they were completely surrounded."
Since this incident happened they will each now have security guards to help them get passed any over excited fans. Niall later even commented on twitter " This is a complete joke"
The boys are fine now, but as of any fans that might see a glimpse of them, try not to knock them down.
Some fans get a complete surprise...
Here are their upcoming shows..
June 1st- Detroit, Michigan
June 2nd- Chicago, Illinois
"Up All Night" Tour DVD and "Dare to dream" book out in stores now!
Niall and Liam Attacked by fans in NY
" It was crazy.As they left the hotel on 54th this sea of girls engulfed them. The security was desperately trying to keep them safe but they were completely surrounded."
Since this incident happened they will each now have security guards to help them get passed any over excited fans. Niall later even commented on twitter " This is a complete joke"
The boys are fine now, but as of any fans that might see a glimpse of them, try not to knock them down.
Some fans get a complete surprise...
Monday, May 21, 2012
One Direction Grants A Wish
Getting ready for their North American Tour Starting May 24th!
May 13th-May 20th
One Direction Works with Rays of Sunshine
Seven year old Hope Cole has always dreamed of meeting One Direction and the Rays of Sunshine foundation helped that wish come true.Hope was diagnosed in 2008 with cancer and now has a brain tumor.
Hope went through 18 months of chemotherapy after doctors thought it was to dangerous to remove the tumor. Only a tiny bit remained, but last October they had found that it grew again.
She has now completed another round of chemotherapy and although most of it is gone, they still found a small amount left.
“Hope has remained so courageous throughout, even though she knows what is going on,” Amanda said.
One Direction goes Double Platinum
One Direction get a radio interview! But with helium balloons!
Monday, May 14, 2012
One Direction Recording New Album!
May 6th-May13th
Recording New Album
One Direction Official Store!

Here's the Second Episode of " Spin the Harry!"
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Go on a date with Harry Styles?
One Direction are still at home this week. They are gearing up to go on their 2012 North American Tour starting towards the end of May. Exciting! Here is what went on this week...
April 29th - May 6th
Date Harry Styles.... ON YOUR IPOD!
Some of the big news that went on this past week was that an app for iTouch, iphone or ipad was created for hardcore Harry Styles fans. The app makes the player able to go on a date with Harry and choose the location of the date, what you eat and there is a special surprise in the end. Shhh... You get to give Harry a kiss!! The app is only $0.99 and it has a average of 3 stars. So what are you waiting for, go on a date with Harry! He's waiting for you :D
" What Makes You Beautiful" featured on Glee.
Here's the Glee version of " What Makes You Beautiful"
Just thought it was funny! Spin the Harry
Monday, April 30, 2012
One Direction is Finally Home!
April 22nd- April 29th
After being on tour for that past 4 months around the U.S, Australia and New Zealand, they finally have some down time to meet up with their friends and spend sometime with their families... Sort of.
Going back home a nightmare?
Harry got to go back home to visit his mom,Anne, at her house in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Being the mom of a teen heart-throb isn't easy. Poor Anne thought she could spend some quality time with her boy with peace and quiet, but fame comes with a price. Some one direction fans have been camping outside of his moms house. Obviously their fans have missed the boys a lot.
"We were all asked the other day where we would want to live in the world and we all said the UK. There are great places out there but you can't pick anywhere but home." -Liam
"Obviously we miss home a lot and we have been away now for many weeks but we are back. Our fans there are the best. Without them we would not be enjoying the success we are. They started all this for us and we won't forget that." - Liam
Australian Fans go Crazy!
"You are currently queued and will be automatically redirected to as customers ahead of you have left the website. Do not refresh this page," says the Ticketek site, only to then be told "Server is busy."
The Ticketek phone system was completely busy and people were going crazy. Ticketek then advised the fans that they were limited to only buying 4 tickets per person.
Niall talks about becoming #1 in America
One Direction at Mall of America
Sunday, April 22, 2012
One Week In New Zealand
The boys went to NZ and are leaving NZ after spending a week there. Here are some things they did while they were there.
April 15th- April 22nd
Here's a week in Review...
First they went Bungee Jumping??
Louis and Liam, the two daredevils of the group, decided to go Bungee jumping this past week at Sky Tower in Aukland, New Zealand. Bungee jumping was actually invented in New Zealand so the two boys thought they should have a try with it since they were there. They both put on bright jump suits to jump off 192 meters. They both followed the footsteps of Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and David Beckum who have also jumped off the tower.
Next on the list was a News Interview
Late Night Date for Harry
The model, with the same agency as Beyonce, was in New Zealand, where she is living, as One Direction arrived from Australia last week. Harry met up with her on Thursday night shortly after the band arrived in Auckland for a concert. Emma, wearing red skinny jeans, joined Harry at the trendy Gypsy Tea Rooms bar before going on to another bar.
I'm gonna be a little directioner nerd, but some people have been asking me who my favorite One Direction guy is. Don't get me wrong I love all of them, but I have to say I really like the blond haired one Niall. This video is them singing More than This, which is one of my top favorite songs on the album. I have to say Niall did really good live!
The guys performing " What makes you beautiful." This song is their most popular single and you can tell by all the girls in the audience singing along.
" One Thing" is such a sweet song. Again this is one of my top favorite songs on their album. All 5 of the guys voices were featured in this song. It's nice to hear their separate voices.
April 15th- April 22nd
Here's a week in Review...
First they went Bungee Jumping??

Next on the list was a News Interview
Late Night Date for Harry
One Direction's Harry Styles has enjoyed two romantic late-night dates with an American model. On Thursday the star took Emma Ostilly out on the town before giving her a goodnight kiss on her doorstep at 1.20am. Emma , 18, sneaked into the boyband’s hotel after a gig in Auckland, New Zealand. An onlooker who saw Harry and Emma in one of the city’s bars said: “They really seemed to have a connection and only had eyes for each other.”’s thought Harry, 18, first met Emma when she featured in the group’s video for their second single Gotta Be You, shot last Autumn in her home city of New York.

“They were enjoying themselves, laughing and joking together,” said the onlooker.
“They seemed very happy and relaxed and you could tell they have a history together. The pictures show they are still close.”
Harry then gave Emma a lift in his chauffeur-driven car to the exclusive neighbourhood where she was staying. This will leave some broken hearted fans.
I'm gonna be a little directioner nerd, but some people have been asking me who my favorite One Direction guy is. Don't get me wrong I love all of them, but I have to say I really like the blond haired one Niall. This video is them singing More than This, which is one of my top favorite songs on the album. I have to say Niall did really good live!
In this video the guys are singing " Up All Night" which is also the name of their album. I found it so funny when they were jumping around and it looked like they were having fun performing this. Pay close attention to Harry in this video. He was the most funny.
The guys performing " What makes you beautiful." This song is their most popular single and you can tell by all the girls in the audience singing along.
" One Thing" is such a sweet song. Again this is one of my top favorite songs on their album. All 5 of the guys voices were featured in this song. It's nice to hear their separate voices.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Australia Tour Begins!
April 8th- April 15th
Performance at Crown Casino
For those who don't know what Crown Casino is, it is a big entertainment, and you guessed it, casino complex which is very well known to people in Australia. It's almost like America's Madison Square Garden in New York City. One Direction was scheduled to put on a performance there and boy were the fans excited.
More than 150 fans who scored a wristband had premium access to One Direction near the entrance of Crown Palladium. Some security guards had to give out bottles of water to girls at the front of the line, who didn't want to move in fear of losing their spot.
The even offered 150 lucky fans a wristband to catch a glimpse of the 5 guys. Some die-hard fans waited and camped out for more than 25 hours in line just to get their hands on a wristband.
The guys surely revved up the fans there in Melbourne, Australia, where their concert sold out in 3 minutes. All I can say is good luck and lets hope no one gets hurt!
" I don't want a penny of my boy's fortune"
Dad of One Direction's, Niall Horan, reveled he refused a house and car from his son adding, “I will graft for the rest of my life.” Bobby Horan, single parent and local butcher said: “When I heard Niall and One Direction had hit No1 in the States with their first album I was just clocking on for a 13-hour night shift."
“I couldn't believe it. I was obviously overjoyed. But I wasn’t going to go home and celebrate — I had a job to do.
“I’ve been a butcher most of my life and I’m going to keep doing that until I retire.
“I don’t want one penny of Niall’s money. He’s offered me big things like a car but I’ve always said no. I’m happy living and working as I am.”
The Tesco meat worker, 51, said: “When I heard Niall and One Direction had hit No1 in the States with their first album I was just clocking on for a 13-hour night shift.
“I couldn't believe it. I was obviously overjoyed. But I wasn’t going to go home and celebrate — I had a job to do.
“I’ve been a butcher most of my life and I’m going to keep doing that until I retire.
“I don’t want one penny of Niall’s money. He’s offered me big things like a car but I’ve always said no. I’m happy living and working as I am.”
Bobby — who brought up Niall, 18, and older brother Greg after splitting from their mum Maura — also blasted the US One Direction group which is suing the British band for alleged copyright breaches.
He said: “I want my boy and the rest of the group to keep touring under their name.
“I laughed when I opened it the other day and saw him and the lads enjoying themselves on a yacht in Australia.
“He’s gone in completely the opposite direction of my life, and I love watching it happen.”
I think that Bobby is doing a good job with taking his sons whole new life very well. He is not changing who he is as a father and I think that is a smart way to help keep Niall grounded as well.
One Direction Announces 2013 World Tour!
They haven't even gone on their 2012 Tours yet, but the fans are demanding it so they are going on a 2013 World Tour and coming to the US during the summer! Here are the dates for America
JUNE 2013
Thursday 13th - Bank Atlantic Center, Ft. Lauderdale. FL
Friday 14th - American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL
Tuesday 18th - Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH
Wednesday 19th - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN
Friday 21st - Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA
Saturday 22nd - PNC Arena, Raleigh, NC
Sunday 23rd - Verizon Center, Washington, DC
Wednesday 26th - Comcast Center, Boston, MA
Friday 28th - Nikon at Jones Beach Theater, Wantagh, NY
JULY 2013
Thursday 4th - Bell Centre, Montreal, PQ
Saturday 6th - Hershey Park Stadium, Hershey, PA
Monday 8th - Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Tuesday 9th - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Friday 12th - The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, MI
Saturday 13th - First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL
Thursday 18th - Target Center, Minneapolis, MN
Friday 19th - Sprint Center, Kansas City, MO
Wednesday 24th - Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
Thursday 25th - Maverick Center, Salt Lake City, UT
Saturday 27th - Rogers Arena, Vancouver
Sunday 28th - Key Arena, Seattle, WA
Wednesday 31st - Oracle Arena, Oakland, CA
Friday 2nd - Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday 6th - Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre, San Diego, CA
Wednesday 7th - Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA
Tickets go on sale April 21st and Pre-Sale tickets went on sale Saturday April 14th. Get your tickets now!
Here's a link to get tickets...
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