Last Thursday 1D kicked off their American tour starting with performing at Farfax, Virgina on Thursday, East Rutherford, New Jersey on Friday, New York City New York on Saturday and Sunday with Camden, New Jersey. Starting this Friday they will be stopping in the Midwest to perform.
Here are their upcoming shows..
June 1st- Detroit, Michigan
June 2nd- Chicago, Illinois
As of May 29th, their tour DVD is available to buy online and in stores such as Walmart. Their DVD includes exclusive performances and a lot of behind the scene action! I know I'm going to the store today to pick up my copy! Can't wait to watch it. It should be funny! As for their book that has been availble as of May 22nd which you can also find online or in stores.It goes through their journey of how they became who they are today!
Niall and Liam Attacked by fans in NY
On May 27th, when the boys were set to perform Niall and Liam left their hotel to find 60 screaming girls in a mob rushing towards them. Their hair got pulled, shirts got ripped, Liam got knocked down and Niall got hit in the face multiple times.
" It was crazy.As they left the hotel on 54th this sea of girls engulfed them. The security was desperately trying to keep them safe but they were completely surrounded."
Since this incident happened they will each now have security guards to help them get passed any over excited fans. Niall later even commented on twitter " This is a complete joke"
The boys are fine now, but as of any fans that might see a glimpse of them, try not to knock them down.
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