Taking home the Brit Award!
One Direction won their very first Brit award this past Tuesday. They were nominated for their most popular song What Makes You Beautiful, which recently took the top 100 in the U.S iTunes chart. Being their very first award they were ecstatic when they found out they beat out other competitors like Adele, The Wanted and Jessie J. They said they have their fans to thank for this win and they couldn't have done it without them.
"There are fans around the world who have been absolutely incredible to us since we told them that we got nominated for a Brit and it’s an absolute pleasure to collect it. Thank you very much”
They sure did a great job and I was happy to watch them win! Good job boys! Check out the video below of them accepting their award.
One Direction started their U.S Tour in Chicago this past Saturday! Apparently it went really well! The boys were sure exited to start their tour and so were their fans! Their fans had the infection so bad that some even decided to camp out before the concert! Some as long as 40 hours just to get their hands on tickets. Chicago was surely a success and the boys sure seemed to enjoy it too!
On Sunday they were scheduled to head to Detroit, Michigan. According to Niall on Twitter, the Detroit show was sold out selling around 300,000 tickets. Woah! They sure have some committed fans! Can't wait to here how it went!