Last Thursday 1D kicked off their American tour starting with performing at Farfax, Virgina on Thursday, East Rutherford, New Jersey on Friday, New York City New York on Saturday and Sunday with Camden, New Jersey. Starting this Friday they will be stopping in the Midwest to perform.
Here are their upcoming shows..
June 1st- Detroit, Michigan
June 2nd- Chicago, Illinois
As of May 29th, their tour DVD is available to buy online and in stores such as Walmart. Their DVD includes exclusive performances and a lot of behind the scene action! I know I'm going to the store today to pick up my copy! Can't wait to watch it. It should be funny! As for their book that has been availble as of May 22nd which you can also find online or in stores.It goes through their journey of how they became who they are today!
Niall and Liam Attacked by fans in NY
On May 27th, when the boys were set to perform Niall and Liam left their hotel to find 60 screaming girls in a mob rushing towards them. Their hair got pulled, shirts got ripped, Liam got knocked down and Niall got hit in the face multiple times.
" It was crazy.As they left the hotel on 54th this sea of girls engulfed them. The security was desperately trying to keep them safe but they were completely surrounded."
Since this incident happened they will each now have security guards to help them get passed any over excited fans. Niall later even commented on twitter " This is a complete joke"
The boys are fine now, but as of any fans that might see a glimpse of them, try not to knock them down.
Getting ready for their North American Tour Starting May 24th!
May 13th-May 20th
One Direction Works with Rays of Sunshine
Seven year old Hope Cole has always dreamed of meeting One Direction and the Rays of Sunshine foundation helped that wish come true.Hope was diagnosed in 2008 with cancer and now has a brain tumor.
She is profoundly deaf in her right ear and has to wear a hearing aid, but that hasn't brought her down. Her mom Amanda explains “Hope was so excited to meet the band and couldn't believe that it was actually happening. She got to spend around five minutes with each member, asking them questions and having her photograph taken. Her favorite was defiantly Liam."
Hope went through 18 months of chemotherapy after doctors thought it was to dangerous to remove the tumor. Only a tiny bit remained, but last October they had found that it grew again.
She has now completed another round of chemotherapy and although most of it is gone, they still found a small amount left.
“Hope has remained so courageous throughout, even though she knows what is going on,” Amanda said.
One Direction goes Double Platinum
Since it's release in late February, One Direction's single " What Makes You Beautiful" has made it to over 2 Million copies sold making it double platinum. Their album " Up All Night" has made it to over 600,000 copies sold! Wow! The One Direction Infection is spreading like wildfire!
One Direction get a radio interview! But with helium balloons!
Fans flock on in the streets of Stockholm, Sweden as One Direction comes out for a quick hello while they are recording their new album. Yes, NEW ALBUM! Their second album has been rumored to be coming out this summer and it will either be called " Out Of This World" or "The Light." It has also been rumored that member Niall Horan wrote 5 of the songs on the album. I guess we will have to find out this summer! Can't wait!
One Direction Official Store!
The fans of Sydney, Australia must really love 1D, because in April they open a One Direction Walk in store at a local mall. Fans can buy anything from CD's and posters, to dolls and bobble heads. Hopefully they will open one in America. Many people on Twitter have started a " Twitition" to try and start a 1D store at Mall Of America in Minnesota. Hopefully they will listen to them because this would be awesome!
One Direction are still at home this week. They are gearing up to go on their 2012 North American Tour starting towards the end of May. Exciting! Here is what went on this week...
April 29th - May 6th
Date Harry Styles.... ON YOUR IPOD!
Some of the big news that went on this past week was that an app for iTouch, iphone or ipad was created for hardcore Harry Styles fans. The app makes the player able to go on a date with Harry and choose the location of the date, what you eat and there is a special surprise in the end. Shhh... You get to give Harry a kiss!! The app is only $0.99 and it has a average of 3 stars. So what are you waiting for, go on a date with Harry! He's waiting for you :D
" What Makes You Beautiful" featured on Glee.
Yep it's happened to many famous pop stars and now One Direction is finally getting a Glee made version of their most popular song " What Makes You Beautiful." The episode is airing on FOX on Tuesday, May 8th at 8pm ET. The episode is called " Prom-asaurus" and the Glee club is providing the music entertainment at prom by singing One Direction. What an appropriate song for prom? Normally I don't watch Glee, but I'm defiantly tuning in to hear it.
Here's the Glee version of " What Makes You Beautiful"